back to improve their work and, more importantly, gives the editor the opportunity to evaluate whether or not the paper is appropriate for publishing.


The procedure of peer review may utilize any one of the following formats:


Single-anonymous review, often known as "single-blind peer review," is another name for this type of evaluation. The author is kept in the dark regarding the reviewer's identity.

Double-anonymous review, often known as "double-blind peer review," is another name for this type of evaluation. Both the reviewers and the authors' identities are kept a secret from the reader.

Open review. The names of the reviewer and the author are both made public.

Open evaluation upon publication of the work. After the publishing, readers and reviewers will be able to leave comments, which will then be moderated by the editor.

The most popular forms of peer review are single- and double-anonymous evaluations. Acquire greater knowledge regarding the many forms of peer review.


The honesty of scholarly communication is preserved through the use of this technique. It guarantees that the study that is published is reliable, accurate, and up to the greatest standards possible. Each and every article that is published in a journal is subjected to rigorous scrutiny and editing by reviewers in advance of its release.